Onsom.com finalist of the YOUNG BUSINESS AWARD OF MALLORCA

Onsom.com has been a finalist for the YOUNG BUSINESSMAN AWARD of Mallorca, awarded by the Consell de Mallorca, SA NOSTRA and the Balearic Young Entrepreneurs Association. Yesterday, the award ceremony for the YOUNG BUSINESSMAN OF MALLORCA AWARD took place, which went to our colleague, Antoni Pascual, from Planeta Web. In addition to Onsom.com and the winning company, Grdar and Vibrats Mora Rosselló were up for the Cactus Toni Moreno award. The five finalist companies were chosen from a total of 30 applicants for the award.

The act took place in the Misericòrdia chapel and was attended by the President of the Council of Majorca, Francina Armengol, the Minister of Economy and Tourism, Bel Oliver, the president of Young Entrepreneurs from the Balearic Islands, Irene Llull and Bernadí Seguí, from Sa Nostra, among many others.

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