Web design_

Category: Website and Internet Presence

Design of web pages and online stores responsive and self-managed, which integrate the best tools of SEO positioning. Unlimited content, multiple languages and multiplatform.

CONSIGUE HASTA 2.000 € con el kit digital

Segmento 1. empresas entre 10 y 49 empleados: 2.000 €

Segmento 2.  empresas entre 3 y 9 empleados: 2.000 €

Segmento 3. entre 0 y menos de 3 empleados y autónomos: 2.000 €

Comunidades de bienes, sociedades civiles y explotaciones agrarias de 0 a 49 empleados: 2.000 €

¿Qué incluye la categoría de Diseño web y presencia en Internet del kit digital?


  • The 92% users Spaniards connect to the Internet via mobile.
  • Responsive: It adapts to any device (mobile, tablet, laptop) both in the frontend and in the backend.
  • Irresistible customizable design oriented to the TARGET and adapted to the corporate image of the company.

 Dynamic website with WordPress

Development of a scalable multi-page website with the following functionalities from a mobile-oriented template, both in terms of design and content:

  1. Page of beginning
  2. form of Contact and Map of location.
  3. form for job bank.
  4. Specific pages for the different products either services.
  5. Page equipment
  6. Rates page, etc. 

Self-managed website

The contents are modifiable and configurable through a content manager easy and intuitive For anyone with office computer skills.

Social friendly

All content can be shared on the main social networks.


AA level accessibility according to guidelines marked by WCAG-2.1.


  • Longtail strategy to get more visits, greater relevance and greater exposure.
  • Basic positioning on the internet: Positioning of the basic information of the business, contact and profile of the company in the main sites, business networks or directories of companies and professionals.
  • Optimization of search engine presence (basic SEO): Keyword analysis, On-Page SEO of 2 pages or sections, indexing and ranking of content.


Chat or whatsapp bot present on all pages. In this way you can have a more immediate communication with customers and potential customers.


AWStats analytics system that allows monitoring the activity of the website without depending on other external providers such as Google Analytics (provided that the client hosts their website on our servers).

Aspectos legales

  • Review of the legal notice and privacy policy.
  • Cookie policy plugin.


  • Security firewall that repels the majority of attacks to which websites are exposed on a daily basis.
  • Anti-spam codes (Captcha).

Hosting and domains

  • domain registration .you eat . org .net from €20/year (VAT not included)
  • web hosting (hosting) from €225/year (VAT not included).


  • We have a service of copywriting if necessary, since this speech can later be used for different formats, such as dossiers, sales pitches, commercial team training, slogans, other supports, etc.
  • Option multilingual web plugin: Spanish, Catalan, English, German, etc. The best way to save time and resources. In this case, some adjustments must be made on the different languages since the quality of the automatic translation is between the 75% and the 95%. In any case, it is simple and allows SEO positioning by language.
  • SSL security certificate (€100/year). VAT not included.
  • As experts on the Internet and as journalists who are experts in editing digital content, we take care of the maintenance of your website.

How much does it cost to design a website?

All our web projects are personalized and they adapt to the strategies and needs of each client, so there is no standard rate. 

We have web design and development solutions from 2.000 € (VAT not included).

The aspects that most influence the cost are the functionalities, architecture, volume of contents, Languages, among many other aspects that are defined with the client. 


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